Panzer AG Category: Industrial Album: This Is My Battlefield Panzer AG is yet another side-project from the prodigious mind of Andy LaPlegua. Not satisfied with just Icon Of Coil or Combichrist, Panzer AG is LaPlegua’s newest project, delivering the tones of :wumpscut: or Suicide Commando combined with the distorted, thin drums of powernoise. While the…
halovox Category: Electro-pop Album: halovox halovox offers some very decent minimalist synthpop filtered through a few retro-industrial affectations. The songs are very reminiscent of the 80’s, while having a few of the modern touches that many of the European synthpop acts employ. The tracks are often a schizophrenic mix, though. One lesson that halovox could…
Zog Welinski’s Day Off Category: IDM Album: The First Day Off I can’t remember listening to anything more boring in my life. “He’s insane,” you’re surely saying. “There’s got to be a million things more boring than that!” Well, that may be, but I’ve never heard them. Plus, those things are probably better. Because…
Velvet Vimoz Category: Trance Album: Boy Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Annoying, isn’t it? Well, it’s more annoying when it’s the word “boy” being repeated about 7,000 times. “I wanna be a boy boy boy boy…” Is this really a pertinent use of vocals…
mindFIELD Category: EBM Album: Singularity Firmly taking hold of the currently popular synthpop sensibility circulating through the industrial underground and giving it a good shove back into the territory of thick-sounding dark dance grooves, mindFIELD takes the better parts of the two sounds and makes them into a superior whole. Taking the tired and overused…
Naltrexone Category: Experimental Album: Forever Screaming Tasmania’s Naltrexone has self-released two CDs, small efforts, easily available free online, and I have been fortunate enough to have received a copy of the second. I will not describe the listening material of the CD, Forever Screaming, as “great” or “enjoyable,” but I think that the music…
Various artists Category: Compilations Album: Melodies & Structures Vol. 2 Melodies & Structures is a compilation CD from a small Canadian label called 4mg that focuses on recognition for DIY electronic artists that would not normally see the light of day, musically, without some help on their way up. With only 1,000 copies in circulation,…
Nerbe Exhibit Category: Industrial Album: The Horror Of Amusement I hate to be unable to say anything good about a CD. If I’m unable to find any enjoyable quality in something, I want to be able to rip it apart and be as brutally honest as the CD deserves. Either way, Nerve Exhibit has left…
David Reilly Category: Rock Album: Inside David Reilly, former frontman for God Lives Underwater, struck out on his own after the dissolution of his former band and the destruction of his personal life. If one imagined that what he would produce on his own would sound like God Lives Underwater, they were only half right.…
Sister Machine Gun Category: Industrial Album: Influence Most people are familiar with Sister Machine Gun. SMG’s legacy goes back to the halcyon days of Wax Trax!, when industrial-rock was still at its peak, KMFDM and Thrill Kill Kult were young, and the world seemed fresh and new. Over the years and through many changes, Sister…