My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult Golden Pillz: the luna remixes (Sleazebox/Underground Inc.) We all know that Thrill Kill Kult isn’t the most “industrial” band anymore. They’ve been toying with more techno and dance sounds over the years, from the disco of “Sexplosion!” to the straight-up ’50’s kitsch of “Hit & Run Holiday”. But…
The Chaos Engine Escape Ferocity (Wasp Factory Recordings) The greatest flaw in logic regarding music is that every band must be new, fresh, original, and brilliant. This is a fallacy. Clichés in music are almost unavoidable; a good band makes you forget about those clichés while you’re listening to their music. The Chaos Engine is…
Unit:187 Capital Punishment (C.O.P. Int’l.) After a long hiatus and band restructuring, Unit:187 has returned. Those familiar with their previous 21st Circuitry releases, especially “Loaded”, will find more of the same here, only in a more refined form. Unit:187, now only John Morgan and Tod Law, is in a finer form than they’ve ever been…
Various artists Notes From Thee Real Underground: Volume III (Underground Inc.) Compilations are a hard sell… It’s all a matter of economy for the most part. The sad fact is that most content on compilations just isn’t very good and you will likely have a hard time justifying a $14 CD purchase for 1 to…
SMP Terminal (Underground Inc.) Don’t get me wrong… I like SMP a lot. I mean, “Terminal” was, for me, the best album of 2000. Unfortunately, this is not “Terminal”. This is, in fact, a “Jason Bazinet’s greatest hits” album, collecting songs from “Terminal” and “Ultimatum”, as well as new tracks, “Acid Drop” and “Analogue Assassins”,…